Thursday, December 25, 2008

Darling read my lips

We're going down like sinking ships.

Lust be a Lady - A Kidnap in Color

It's been a long time since I've written.
Words have been getting rusty, collecting dust on the side of my mind.

Truth be told, I didn't quite feel the Christmas spirit. It was more of a normal week, except that there were no classes. So simple, quiet, too bland.

Slowly, the writer's blending in with the part of me that I show. Slowly, losing his words and thoughts, becoming ridiculously normal. Honestly, it feels a little lighter, as though it is easier living this way, being care-free and playing everything by ear. But I don't wanna lose my words just yet.

A few days back, I recall texting with a friend, we were talking about what we wished we never could sing to each other, lines like "And I never told you everything, I'm losing hope and fading dreams, and every single memory along the way.." But the catch was that it'd be okay if we sang together, "And we'd both go , down together, we'd stay forever , just try to get up."

But there's another thing I overlooked at the moment, the song continues and says "And I'm sorry but this wasn't easy, when I asked you believe me and never let go, but I let go." The Chorus ends there my dear, I hope we don't end up singing that.

The writer who is slowly losing his words, borrows them, for hope he finds his.
So if you're the kind of person who genuinely cares, not the one who'll simply stay awhile and then fade away, you might be the person who'd sing songs like She Says - Howie Day . Three Cheers for all the failing hearts who need to get plastered up and bandaged, Three Cheers for Five more Years to the people who've helped clean you up and brought you back on your feet over again and over again.

December moved up so quickly. It's like a roll of film that got forwarded, now there's only a little bit left, a little bit left to capture a little more memories of what little bit left of me there is.

I suck at transitions like whoa.

Imagine yourself spiralling down , with words in black text, move together to form the best quotes you'll ever see. Of course, the background is white and they're spiralling down with you, the quotes. Do you think you'd have lived a little bit better if you've encountered them a little bit earlier? Perhaps, but some of the best things ever said, have been heard by many , "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" , "You are what you do repeatedly, therefore excellence is not an act, it's a habit" , "Be kind, every person you meet is fighting a battle"

Forgive the quick changes in ideas, I'm cramming.

Here's some math,
A picture, they say, is worth a thousand words,
A moment, an embrace, worth thousands of words.
But what if you cannot paint, nor embrace? Will your thousands of words do?
Lucky are the artists, for they can capture the scene.
Lucky are the living, they keep the words coming.
Sad is the writer, who only tries to catch up with them.

I'm millions of words behind, but this helps catch up.

Beautiful is still orange.

Are your thousands , millions of words meaningful? Captivating?
For a writer, he chose his, so he's sure they are.

Fading out has never been so complicated, with the pacing so complicated and all. haha

For New Year's eve, I wanna rock out singing All the Memories - The Classic Crime.
"Here where the future meets the past.."


  1. let me be the first one to comment :)
    i know you know who i am, by the way i write, the way i speak. i might not inspire you the way that friend does, but i know you know that you have inspired me and you still continue to do. hopefully, you won't lose your words, a writer may not be able to paint, but he can picture a lot with just words, sometimes even better than the picture the painter paints. continue to inspire others with your words. cause i know you were able to inspire me with them :)

  2. And who are you Miss?
    I can only guess.
    There are only a few that I trust, a few that I've shown this to.
    So who might you be from that few?

  3. i know you know who this is.
    your guess is probably right
