Tuesday, December 16, 2008

This Will be my Great Escape

A way to exhaust ideas and thoughts, as to be able to smile in front of you.
Well, I want to know if there are tons of people who "vent" like me here in blogspot.
Sadly, I don't know how to look for those blogs.
So as of now, I am

| i s o l a t e d |


Great Escape?
It has been overused, and half-meant.
"Throw it away, forget yesterday.."
That line seems to grasp what I want.
But not fully.

The best escapes you can get are in your dreams,
but sadly, I haven't had a dream that ended with me waking up smiling since october.
Pretty much, my recent dreams are more visions of reality, distorted to break my hope.
But as I wake up and see the sunrise, hope is healed, as I am still breathing, and what I will face, I have brought upon myself, therefore , I must have summed up the strength to overcome it.

So my great escape is in lyrical lines and hidden melodies of torn , broken, or fast-beating hearts.
These are the hearts that tend to be artistic and very passionate, very honest, very interesting.
They bring out the songs that I would love to hear.

"You be the Anchor that Keeps my Feet on Ground and I'll be the Heart that Keeps your Heart in the Clouds"
"You and I Both"
"Where the Wild Things Are"
"We Could Love"
"Not A Moment to Waste"
"So Much Love"
"Sunsets and Car Crashes"
"Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet"

Here's an example from So Much Love, by The Rocket Summer
"You got so much love in you,
You got so much love in you,
I'm amazed that I'm talking to you,
You look like the songs that I've heard my whole life, coming true."

So don't hide your words,
Don't hide your passion,
Don't hide your art,
Don't hush your voice,
Don't manipulate your heart.

Speak, Write, Sing, and you have lived.
Silence will not work anymore.
This place is too noisy to notice us.
But a subtle voice, with a meaning, will silence the loudest of voices that thirst for the rarity of such passion, such conviction that an honest line contains.

After all, what use is a voice if it isn't heard?
Go hunt for Indie Music.
What use are words if they aren't read?
Read Blogs.
What use is passion if it isn't felt?

You should be as you listen.
You should be so you can see the art in things.
Still Silent?
Now, I hope you aren't.

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