Monday, December 15, 2008

Why am I doing this?

I have a couple of reasons,
the first is that I want to see how others think.


I was thinking awhile ago,
and I think that Truth comes from seeing from all points-of-views.
And so, a being knowing everything, becomes supreme.

But I cannot know everything,
So I encourage you to help me to see things clearer.
Showing me a reality more refined, purer, more honest.

This goes in adverse to my personality,
As I always try to avoid what is common,
Seeing it as damage to one's individuality, harm to a person's uniqueness.
But blogging seems to be an easy way to let things out.

As of now, I can be compared to;
Alceste- the protagonist and "misanthrope" of the title. He is quick to criticize the flaws of everyone around him, including himself.

He is the character from Le Misanthrope.

I am not self-righteous, nor will I try to be.
I only want to be a spectator.

My dreams constantly change,
As they all involve the elimination of my tentativity.
I want to Last.
Call me vain, but seeing as there have been so many humans that have lived their lives well
that people who live simple, honest lives, are always almost forgotten as the pages of history turn, silence is no longer a way to be remembered.

What use is there in great thoughts, if those great thoughts are wasted in your mind,
Unspoken, they will never be heard,
Unseen, they will never inspire,
Unknown, they will never move.

So, back to my dream?
It's this as of today:
"I want to be the stories that make you lose your smile,
because I'm not there to tell the story with you.
I want to be the stories that make you lose your smile,
because you're not making more stories with me at the moment.
I want to be the stories that make you lose your smile,
because stories can never capture the grandeur of living the experience."

Share your dreams,
As I said, I only want to see from more points-of-views,
Help me.

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